The Magic of Psilocybin

For the month of January, we explored medicinal mushrooms on Nature’s Mysteries Medicine Show. In this blog, we’re exploring mushrooms that contain psilocybin, a psychedelic compound that can alter your perception of reality.

Researchers are confirming its potential in the use for a myriad of mental health issues that folks suffer from specifically veterans.

Previous studies also indicated its ability to reduce depression and anxiety in groups of cancer patients. 

Sometimes, altering our perception of reality is exactly what’s needed to overcome a traumatizing experience so that we can look at it with fresh eyes, almost removed and able to view the situation as an observer instead of one so closely tied to the outcome. 

It also decreases brain activity meaning once it reaches the brain, thoughts associated with obsessive thinking cease, quieting the mind allowing one to access the parts of the mind that usually remain stifled. 

Affects the neurotransmitter, serotonin which is linked to moods, depression and states of anxiety. 

Actually in the 1950s and ’60s, psychedelics like psilocybin were studied for their potential in the psychiatry and oncology fields. 

However, the Controlled Substances Act was signed into law in 1970, categorizing hallucinogens like psilocybin mushrooms as a Schedule 1 drug, meaning it had a high potential for abuse and had no accepted medical use in treatment. 

Because of this, Federal funds for research dried up.

This is similar to what happened to Cannabis, and is sending very mixed messages to the public about using a Schedule 1 drug with Cannabis becoming legal in so many states. 

And now psilocybin gaining recognition right behind it for its medicinal benefits. 

Slowly people are waking from their slumber, as the recent findings about psilocybin suggest a lot of therapeutic potential to be explored.

It also shows promise in help curbing the reliance on pharmaceutical drugs in specific instances.  

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a single dose of a synthetic version of psilocybin helped alleviate depression in people with a treatment-resistant version of depression. 

Although, I would never recommend a synthetic version, I would always go directly to the source, the Earth with its full spectrum medicine including all of the components it was made with, not an isolated compound as synthetic molecules are. 

 It was also found that psilocybin reduces anxiety and depression among cancer patients and survivors in just one session according to two studies published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 

 These one-off experiences also had lasting effects.

One dose of psilocybin one time, decreased anxiety and depression in most participants and occurred right in the session, and lasted between four to six hours…as opposed to therapy and antidepressants that can take weeks or months to work if at all. 

Subjects also reported finding themselves with a new meaning of life, increased quality of life, and newfound optimism.

The results were long-lasting, too. 80 percent of the group continued showing clinically significant decreases in depressed mood and anxiety, six months after the last treatment.

 Eighty-three percent reported an increase in their well-being, and 67 percent rated the experience as one of the top five meaningful experiences in their lives!

There are people training right now so that when the day comes that this medicine is legal for us to access, they will be all trained and ready to facilitate this healing experience for you!

The effects of psilocybin usually take around 30 minutes to start and can last up to six hours. If you have never experienced the effects of psychedelics before, we strongly suggest doing it with a buddy so that you have someone to watch over you and help if need be. 

So what did you think? Have you ever tried magic mushrooms?

Will you when they become legal?

Discover The Essence of Mushroom Medicine ~

Are you tired of the over the counter medications that are sold for colds and flus?

Today, we’re exploring the various methods employed in the timeless art of extraction and ways to ensure that you retain as many of the valuable healing properties that herbs possess. 

You’re in the right place if you’re looking for natural ways to alleviate your symptoms while boosting your immune function.

Understanding that there is not one way to extract plant compounds, is just as important as learning plants’ preferences. This knowledge is required in understanding specific methods for each different plant part, as the delicate extraction process of flowers’ properties differ from roots and barks. 

Extracting the beneficial compounds from a few different herbs in a couple different ways is an excellent way for you to see how easy it is to make your own medicine and how powerful it can be in regaining your strength and ability to feel well and enjoy your life. 

Because at the end of the day, that’s what we want right, is to feel good. And to be able to do the things that we want to do and enjoy doing them, not have everything feel like a chore because we just don’t feel good. 

And synthetic molecules can make you feel like that. If you google ‘research that Nyquil doesn’t actually speed recovery from a cold,’ a number of articles will come up proving this fact.

The active ingredient in over the counter cold medicines is Phenylephrine. According to the College of Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina doctor who they interviewed for this article (article below) I’m referring to, says that studies from the 1960s and 70s suggested it did work, but the FDA reviewed them and found they didn’t hold up to modern scientific standards.

The article is all about how the advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administration said an ingredient found in a lot of oral cold and allergy medications doesn’t work.

She also went on to say that Phenylephrine wasn’t dangerous, but when I googled it, I found this list of side effects: 


Fast heartbeat




Blurred vision


Difficult or labored breathing



Slow heartbeat

Stomach pain

Unusual tiredness

Dry mouth


Pounding in the ears



Tingling in the arms or legs

Now I don’t know about you but I do think some of those are dangerous especially the first one… real quick, my mom’s husband died from a fall in which he hit his head on tile and ultimately died. 

He literally walked into the kitchen from the living room to give the dog a treat because he was such a good boy. My mom heard a thud and you know the rest.

Later, when packing up her house to bring her to move in with us, I threw a number of prescription medications away that her husband was taking that said ‘may cause dizziness’ ok? I’m just going to leave that right here and now let’s learn about Herbal Cold Remedies!

Infusing Nettles and Ginger in a tea, as well as an infusion is a great immune boosting, symptom alleviating remedy. Nettles, being a very nutritious plant providing necessary nutrients while drying mucus.

Ginger is a great decongestant, expectorant and immune booster, as well. These 2 synergistically blend together well for a cold remedy that’s sure to relieve!

Using larger quantities of herbs and water turns this tea into an infusion that’s power packed medicine. 

And then making a decoction with some Astragalus is a great immune booster! 

The utensils used are equally as important as the purity of the herbs that you are extracting. The ones that I use are stainless steel and glass. 

Teflon or aluminum, really have no place in medicine making. 

I would never heat medicine in a microwave, right? That’s like a class for another time, ‘the detrimental effects of microwaves…’

So some herbs need to be covered because you don’t want to lose the volatile oils. 

1 tbs. herbs 

1 cup almost boiling water (you don’t want it boiling or it can destroy the beneficial compounds)

Fill cup with herbs 

Pour water over the top of the herbs 

Cover depending on volatile oil content of plant 

Let steep for 5-15 minutes


4-6 tbs. herbs (6-8 if herbs are fresh) 

1 quart almost boiling water 

Fill mason jar with herbs 

Pour water over the top of the herbs 

Let steep 15 min- 4 hours, the longer the steep the stronger the medicine

Cover depending on volatile oil content of plant 

Strain, label 

Keep in a cool, dark place. 

Some highly aromatic roots such as Goldenseal, Ginger and Valerian are often infused instead of decocted.

3 times a day for a period of weeks until signs of improvement or stabilization are reached.


Mostly for roots and barks:

4-6 tbs. herbs (6-8 if herbs are fresh) 

1 quart cold water

Begin simmer on low heat, cover 

Let simmer at this temperature for 30 to 40 minutes

Steep for hours or overnight for stronger remedy.

Strain, pour into sterilized jar, and label.

Discover The Essence Of Plant Medicine ~

5 Things You Can Do To Feel Better In 2023…

Could it be that easy? That just by implementing 5 new habits into your daily routine, you could feel better, for ever more?

Yes, it is! And it’s not based on belief, although many believe it, it’s based on science, anecdotal evidence and years of spiritual practices.

Many cultures around the world understand the benefits of meditating even though they may not know what is going on physically, they are very aware of what is going on spiritually.

When you take the time to remove yourself from everyday life, even if just for a couple of minutes each day, it actually triggers physiological changes within your system. Changes that you may not think sound like much, but can be the difference between happiness and mental imbalances, between health and disease. How?

Visible changes can be recorded on a molecular level when an individual meditates according to research done by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Not only does it reduce cortisol levels, remove us from fight or flight mode, it can actually affect the expression of our genes.

According to new research by the universities of Coventry and Radboud, published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, meditation can change our genetic destiny. So we no longer are bound to ill health because of our genes.

It’s called epigenetics, and according to Dawson Church Ph.D and Dr. Bruce Lipton, in research they have documented, we are not bound by the genes we’ve been given and powerless in the ability to change our future, indeed we can with our lifestyle choices. If you’d like to learn more, check out The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by Dawson Church Ph.D.

Focus Your Attention:
Why is it so important to focus our attention? Because we can’t help what thoughts drift into our consciousness, but we definitely have the power to choose which ones we focus on. Which ones we mull over and look at from all angles.

A great indicator can be how you feel when you think about it? If when you think about something, it gives you a pit in your stomach. Leave that one back in 2022… if when you think of it, you feel butterflies… yes! Those are the ones to focus on, mull around and look at from all angles with endless possibilities from every perspective.

Just because you thought it, doesn’t mean you have to keep thinking about it, let it drift by like a wave on a beach, that one crashed.

Avoid That Which Doesn’t Serve You:
All of us have certain individuals, whether they’re family, friends or coworkers that just thinking about them can get you going…forget it, it’s not worth it. Not worth your energy.

You only have so much energy, either you’re going to use it for manifesting or you’re going to use it upset yourself. If you’re already tired, especially and then you spend all of your energy thinking about upsetting things that you can’t change… do you think it’s going to give you more energy?

Every single thought you think creates a chemical reaction in your body. Every emotion leaves an imprint on your system. Either your body is producing happy hormones like serotonin which feels really good…

Or you’re thinking about things that you don’t like… remembering what someone said or did that was wrong on some level. Whatever someone did that was wrong is very unfortunate, but if you can’t change it, you definitely don’t need to revisit it which can create disease producing chemicals in your body when there’s too much of them for extended periods of time.

This is a New Year, a new opportunity for growth on many levels. Changing our thoughts can change our lives. Our thoughts can lead to destructive behavior that you might not even consider such as stress eating, smoking, drinking, using drugs, being withdrawn.

Channeling our energy towards productive thoughts and behaviors, focusing our attention on our future. Using our energy to create what we desire in our minds instead of imagining the worst case scenarios, confronting issues head on when they come up. Not wasting the time that we are awake producing unhealthy thoughts, tormenting ourselves needlessly.

Set Your Intention:
What is that you want? If so much time is spent on imaging things you don’t want to happen and what you would say in that scenario, there’s not alot left on building the future you envision. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Imagine that, it will feel alot better.

Utilizing astrological influences in your intention setting can amplify your intentions to the Universe and remind you of what is you’re trying to create. Whether you choose to use, new moons, full moons, seasonal changes, eclipses, whichever resonates with you. Sit with yourself… see what you want… have you ever just asked yourself what you want and then listened to the answer? Why not?

Exercise 10 min. A Day:
Moving our bodies is essential to vibrant wellness. If you have a desk job, get up every hour and just stretch a little. Not moving enough can lead not only to obesity and disease but also a feeling of stagnation.

When we have a buildup or excess, it can make us feel sluggish, tired and like not doing much. But how can you be creating your future if you don’t feel like doing much? You need your energy.

Find 10 minutes in your day, even if it’s 5min in the morning and 5min in the evening, but you are worth 13 min a day. 10 min for exercise for your body, and at least 3 min. for your Spirit will ease your mind. Try it and see!

Happy 2023!

Which Essential Oils Do We Use In Our Bestsellers?

At Nature’s Mysteries Apothecary, we only use organic, therapeutic grade essential oils in our formulations. Why?

Purity Is Our Priority-The lifeblood of the plant, the compounds extracted to make an essential oil are essentially what keeps the plant healthy, what helps to keep it pest free, virulent and able to resist molds and fungus.

A plant that is diseased, full of bugs and withered would not make the best medicine. Quality is key….

Ylang Ylang

One essential oil that is found in many of our formulations because of its versatile nature is Ylang Ylang.

With its broad use of applications, you can find it in our pain, insomnia and anxiety relief products, specifically our Alleviation Roll On Gem Essence and Alleviate Pain Relief Spray as well as our Anti-aging elixirs because of its antispasmodic, anti inflammatory, sedative, antidepressant and hormone balancing properties.

It’s sweet, floral scent is responsible for its anti anxiety benefits. Also preventing signs of aging when applied to the skin. Known to promote a healthy, youthful glow.

Anti oxidant rich protecting skin cells from oxidative stress and DNA damage that can result in cancer cell formation.


Lemongrass is another oil known for it’s many applications, a great anti inflammatory agent specific for relieving muscle pain, spasms and cramps, while relieving body aches.

It can be found in our Alleviate Pain Relief Spray as well as our Anti-aging formulations because of it’s astringent and antiseptic properties.

As a natural toner, sterilizing your pores, and strengthening your skin tissues, it blends nicely in our select Witch Hazel Facial Toners. Also known to promote a healthy glow!


Cedarwood essential oil is another great anti inflammatory, antispasmodic agent found in our Alleviate Pain Relief Spray. Minimizing joint stiffness and discomfort, considered to be one of the best essential oils known for arthritis.


Frankincense is a favorite of mine found in our Alleviation Roll On Gem Essence, synergistically blended with Myrrh, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Rose, Lavender and Mint as well as select Witch Hazel Facial Toners.

One compound found in Frankincense worth noting are sesquiterpenes. Teeny tiny molecules capable of passing through the blood brain barrier going straight to the brain.

Because this is where most signals originate, in the brain, this a great place to start trying to restore balance in the body. Its ability to reduce pain and inflammation in the system is widely known as well as including anti-anxiety and depression-reducing benefits.

It also has the ability to prevent wrinkles, mask the appearance of large pores, even helps lift and tighten skin, which explains why it’s also in select Witch Hazel Facial Toners.

Being one of our Bestsellers, our Alleviation Roll On Gem Essence has 8 different therapeutic essential oils synergistically blended which is 6 too many for the rest of this blog.

Hopefully, by now you’re starting to see how important essential oils are when it comes to any kind of wellness regime.

Always confirm that you are using organic therapeutic grade essential oils and not fragrant oils.

Check out our line of CBD Products at where you’ll enjoy 10% off of your order for a limited time!

Discover The Essence Of Plant Medicine 🌿❤️

What Is An Adaptogenic Herb?

Well, kind of like it’s name implies, these Plant Allies help our body adapt to stress, in any way that our body needs which could mean different functions depending on the circumstances that the body is being faced with at the moment.

‘Adaptogens restore homeostasis within the body balancing hormones, lowering cortisol levels, produce positive stress response, increase recovery time after an illness and immune building function.

According to a Russian Dr., I.I. Brekhmann, who popularized the concept of adaptogens through his research, there are 3 criteria that they must fulfill:

1. Do no harm, place no stress on the body.

2. Assist the body in adapting to a wide range of
internal stressors (emotions, noise, pollution) as well as
environmental ones.

3. Has an amphoteric (normalizing) effect on the
activity of several body systems – especially the nervous
system, hormonal system, and immune system.’

Excerpt from, ‘Discover The Essence Of Plant Medicine, The Five Principles Of Lifesaving Herbs.’

The Cannabis plant is an adaptogen explaining it’s ability to restore homeostasis within our system. But it’s not the only one, there are many more but the beauty is that they all have the same effect on our bodies….well being.

Have you tried any adaptogens?

Discover The Essence Of Plant Medicine 🌿❤️

Can Sunlight Do All Of That?

Of course, everyone knows that we need sunlight, but besides it providing Vitamin D, how else does it benefit us?

Number One: In relation with bone health and cartilage, sunlight enables the body to assimilate calcium. We can consume as much nutrient rich foods as possible, but if our bodies are not assimilating the nutrients, we lose the benefits. Strong bones are essential to us accomplishing all of our goals.

Number 2: Connected to the reproduction of red blood cells or hemoglobin, thereby associated with the avoidance of anemia and increasing the amount of oxygen in our blood. Symptoms associated with anemia are weakness, brain fog, mood changes, lethargy, pale skin, headaches, shortness of breath, loss of stability, irregular heartbeart, etc.

Number 3: As referred to above, not assimilating nutrients and absorbing our food properly, leads to deficiencies. Sunlight has an instant influence on our bodies ability to digest our food and assimilate nutrients.

You know there’s many more benefits than just those, but this is just a start for reasons why going outside and spending a little time enjoying the outdoors, everyday, is so important!

Obviously, too long in the sun isn’t beneficial, but 45 minutes of sunlight gives you your daily dose of vitamin D.

Discover The Essence Of Sunlight ☀️

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Ever Wonder What To Listen To… Your Heart or Your Head? Always Your Heart!

As a Pisces, I am so indecisive. Sometimes, making a decision can be so difficult, that I literally cannot make it. I try weighing pros and cons but then something tells me different. That goes against perhaps all of the obvious reasons not to. Because I have a feeling. Or a sense. It’s intuition. And now we now it’s heart centered.

Have you heard of the 40,000 nerve endings in our heart that we were not previously aware of. (I wasn’t anyway…) We now know that the heart is actually sending signals to the brain. Before, it was our understanding that the brain was the master controller in our bodies but this knowledge is proving otherwise, according to Greg Braden, researcher, scientist. and author. (He’s on of my favorite authors.)

For example, when hooked up to electrodes connecting the heart and brain to sensitive equipment capable of measuring subtle energies, it has been found that our hearts know what is going to happen before it happens.

When shown a series of images designed to elicit emotion whether it’s happy, sad, angry, etc., the heart knew the following image before it was shown and reacted accordingly. These images were shown at intervals of a few seconds apart. The research showed that the heart reacted to the images before the eyes perceived them. So it is not the brain or mind that has the knowing, the source is actually the heart.

It is now known that it is so much more than a muscle. The strongest magnetic field in our body is our heart. Not our brain. The electro frequency of our hearts is actually 60x greater than our brain. Heartmath Institute has been researching the human heart and how a strong collective emotion has a measurable impact on the geomagnetic field of the planet. They are also the ones who discovered the magnetic field of the heart is so much stronger than the brain. When magnetic fields of the planet are strong, people are more agreeable when they are low, we are more aggressive and prone to conflict. This research has been recorded and can be researched on your own.

The best part is that you can create a state of balance between your brain and heart so simply by meditating. And the profound effects of having these fields aligned can be measured now. By simply bringing your awareness to your heart and feeling gratitude, care, appreciation, etc. and slowing your breath and focusing on your heart and breath, you can not only bring about a state of coherence between your heart and brain that Dr. Joe Dispenza has lots of brain scans that you can see visibly the results of this kind of mindfulness. But you can also ask your heart for guidance when in this meditative state and see if you feel guided…

Have you heard of these 40,ooo nerve endings in your heart before?

Bright Blessings from the North East Kingdom ❤

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4 Benefits of Meditating

  1. Increase Energy
  2. Boost Immune Function
  3. Reduce Stress Levels
  4. Increase Intuition

Everyone’s heard of meditating, but what are the real benefits? Sure, relaxation, we always hear, maybe stress relief, but immune boosting and enhancing energy? Yes, these are possible and more.

Let’s start with the first one…

  1. Increasing Energy Levels. Folks are always asking me ways to increase their energy levels. Sometimes, reaching for an energy drink or grabbing a cup of coffee might not be the most beneficial choice if you’re trying to increase your health and longevity. Especially, if you are someone who is immune compromised or not functioning at full capacity for whatever reason.

Another way to increase energy levels can be through the quiet act of meditation and the best part is it can be done just about anywhere at anytime with no cost and there is no sugar crash after. Sitting still mindfully focusing on our breath actually allows us to build our energy levels.

By simply choosing to remove ourselves from the ordinary daily stresses of life and stepping back to enjoy the moment for at least 3 minutes of our day can increase not only our energy levels but has profound effects on our body chemistry.

When our attention is constantly focused on our outer world, it can be exhausting. If we take the necessary time for a little self care and turn our attention inward, the benefits we have the potential of reaching far outweigh any other demands in our environment.

2. Boost Immune Function. Yes, in meditation, our breathing slows, some meditations include focused breathing. When we slow our breath, it switches our brain chemistry. It also changes the signaling from the heart to the brain.

It decreases stress hormones and according to Gregg Braden, author, scientist and educator, when we are in a state of meditation, for 3 minutes feeling either gratitude, appreciation, care or compassion, and are aware of our heart, it creates changes in our internal environment.

When we allow our awareness to shift to our inner world, slowing our breath changes the signaling of the brain. Our brains release very powerful substances of healing, regeneration, and rejuvenation. Levels of DHEA increase by 100% in the body! Being a precursor hormone, it plays an important role in the production of many hormones. Associated with anti-aging and bone density, to name a few, decreased levels of DHEA are associated with a higher chance of death.

3. Reduce Stress Levels. When we take a moment from our stressful lives to resist the temptation of always being engaged, we are able to reduce the stress hormones associated with inflammation and disease. If we are in a constant state of fight or flight, our bodies do not have the down time for healing and regeneration.

And if we do not sleep as much as our bodies require and then resort to drug induced sleep, we are impairing our bodies ability to rejuvenate and repair itself, even more. So these glimpses of moments gathered for our own personal benefit become more and more important not only for our personal growth, but for our well being.

Especially if we have others relying on us. How can we be expected to give our all when we are not even functioning at full capacity? We cannot give what we do not have. So, if you are one of those people that is always putting others first, by putting yourself first allows you to give the most.

4. Increase Intuition. And the last but definitely not the least benefit of meditating is the possibility of opening up your intuition. Of unlocking doorways in your mind that you never even knew existed because you never took the time to explore. When we turn our attention away from our phones, iPads, tv, computer screens and look within ourselves, what we might find is beyond creativity and intuition, it’s the portal to infinite possibilities.

Even if you still think you don’t have time for a 3 minute daily practice, you can start with very small mindful moments when you just stop and make yourself aware of your breath and aware of the present moment, even if it’s only for 10 seconds, we all need to start somewhere…

Bright Blessings from the North East Kingdom ❤

Do You Have Digestive Issues? Ever Heard Of Acidosis?

 Have you tried everything to feel better, including CBD, and nothing helped? Have you tried different diets that haven’t worked? Maybe your problem isn’t what you think it is. Are you familiar with the term acidosis?

You might recognize that some foods are acid forming and some foods are not. When analyzed a food can be considered either  acidic or base/alkaline. This is not the same as say an orange. While we think of oranges as being acidic they actually have an alkalizing effect within our bodies, as do all fruits and vegetables. 

The ideal acid alkaline balance diet would be 80% alkalizing foods and 20% acid forming foods. When we do not combine foods properly, that, among other things, can throw our bodies into a state of acidosis. Low-grade acidosis can become chronic if the body remains in that state for an extended period of time.

Chronic acidosis can cause many symptoms such as sunken eyes, lethargy, stupor, gastritis, constipation, bad breath, foul smelling stools, diarrhea, chest pain, abdominal pain, vomiting, rheumatoid arthritis, excessively low blood pressure, kidney stones, loss of bone mass, reduction of growth hormone, if bad enough it can cause cancer, coma and death, even. 

As cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment as do virus’ and bacteria, it is best to try to maintain a balanced diet. When battling cancer, the idea is to oxygenate your blood. Cancer cannot live in an oxygenated body. And you want to make your body as inhospitable to the cancer as possible.

The ideal pH for the body is around 7.0. 7.0 is neutral, if the body drops below 7.0, it is considered acidic, if the body goes above 8.0 it is considered alkaline.

The pH of our blood, saliva, urine, skin, gastric juices levels all vary:

Blood 7.38 – 7.43

Muscle is about 7.0

Salive 5.5-7.5

Urine 5.0-8.0

Skin 4.5-6.0

Gastric Juices 2.5

A one point increase in ph is the result of a ten fold decrease in hydrogen ions, H+. When the pH of our body is off because of acid forming foods in our diet, pharmaceutical medications, exercise, etc. our body has to use its mineral reserves that are stored in our vital organs and our bones to try to alkalize this condition.

Hence, calcium deficiency. The body starts drawing calcium from the bones. This is why another option for treating Osteoporosis might not be to add more calcium supplements. Continuing with an acid forming diet will not stop the extraction of the alkaline calcium from the bones by the body to correct the improper ph levels. A simpler option might be to adjust your diet.

Protein is acid forming, too much animal protein encourages this type of environment increasing the symptoms and discomfort of an acidic environment resulting in the body having to work overtime trying to correct the ph. Utilizing a lot of your bodies cellular energy where it could be used elsewhere.

Wondering what your ph is? The best indicator is urine tested first thing in the morning with 6 hours between the last.

PH stands for potential for hydrogen H+. Our bodies have three ways that we expel access Hydrogen, H+ molecules. One way is through our Respiratory System or lungs by exhaling. My professor likes to think of it as a Hydrogen, H+ exhaust pipe. Excess acids are stored in the body as fat.

Other ways that the body uses to excrete excess acid is through the urine. Our kidneys cannot excrete urine that is too acidic so it uses buffers to alkalize it so that it can be passed efficiently through the kidneys.

Another way our body balances it’s pH levels is through sweat. You will notice that the pH of our skin is much more acidic than the rest of our body. This is a result of the acid mantle on the skin which protects us from bacteria and such. 

Exercise is another way that our body levels or pH can become off. We inhale oxygen which is transported to the active muscles where it combines with waste products from energy conversion, carbon (C) and hydrogen H+ to form carbon dioxide and water. During strenuous exercises our body exceeds our oxygen supply and the body begins to use other alternate biochemical processes that do not require oxygen (anaerobic metabolism.) These processes generate excess acids H+ which enter the blood stream, if the body is not able to expel it it can build up in the muscles causing a ‘muscle burn.’

Remember I mentioned buffers, earlier? Lactic acid is a buffer. Buffers are carrier molecules that can accept and transport hydrogen ions to bodily tissue where they can be used for energy and excreted as waste. So while lactic acid has a place, when too much accumulates it is a sign that the body is in a state of acidosis. 

The most important buffer system in the blood involves carbonic acid, a weak acid formed from carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood, which is then exhaled.

Luckily, there are things that we can do to alkalize our bodies. Deep breathing techniques for one as oxygen is alkalizing. Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical medications and processed foods because they are also acid forming. Eating more raw fruits and vegetables.

For athletes, acidified body tissue shows up as sports injuries. If the blood is too acidic, the muscles of the body absorb the acid making the tissue acidic. 

If you are not feeling the potential that you know you have because of these underlying conditions that no one seems to recognize or be able to treat, maybe it’s acidosis. 

This can be corrected with proper food combining. It might seem like a dramatic change from what you’re used to but if you feel better, you can get back to your old self. A raw food study conducted on an experimental group by Victoria Boutenko showed that after 2 days of eating raw foods, IQ levels rose by 40%!

I’m including some basic food combing concepts so you can plan your next meals…

Please reach out with any questions to or to schedule a consultation call 802 624-6540 anytime until 11pm everyday-

Sending green healing energy from the North East Kingdom ❤

We Need Safe Vaccines and Informed Consent.

This blog is neither pro vaccine or anti-vaccine, I believe everyone has the right to choose what is right for their own family. What this is about is having safe vaccines offered to families. The vaccines that we are injecting our children with right now, contain formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum. These three ingredients are poisonous and carcinogenic to the human body as well as neurotoxic to your babies and children’s nervous system. Here’s the definition of neurotoxic if you’re not sure~

‘Neurotoxicity occurs when the exposure to natural or manmade toxic substances (neurotoxicants) alters the normal activity of the nervous system.’

The founding doctors of immunizations put forth the idea that injecting a very small amount of the disease that you were trying to avoid would build antibodies in the system so that the body would recognize it next time and be able to fight off the pathogen. No one ever said, ‘Let’s inject children with formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum and it will prevent them from getting a disease.’ These poisons would actually hinder immune function, not enhance it, which would be contradictory to the whole premise of the vaccine, when the point is to ‘strengthen’ your child so that they DON’T GET SICK. If we are injecting our babies and children with substances that are poisonous, how are we ensuring that they don’t get sick, which is the whole purpose for vaccinating?

If anyone else ever tried to inject these toxins into your child, they would be put into jail, as they are so lethal. Yet, they are contained within our vaccines and many of us don’t even know it. Who would think that your doctor would inject your child with something that wasn’t good for them? We need Informed Consent.

But it’s true, you can ask your doctor or you could ask your doctor if they could tell you what the ingredients are on the vaccines labels. You would think with how many doses they give out, that this information would be easy for them to tell you. I sell many different formulations with extensive ingredient lists and I have many of them memorized.

Because of the toxicity of vaccines due to the extra additives, giving many doses combined at the same time can be dangerous for your child, as well. Being given at an early age, when they are only hours old and their immune system’s are trying to adjust to the world and the bacteria and germs in their environment, naturally.  Odds are, under most circumstances, your child’s immune system would never encounter all of these diseases at the same time and have to fight off so many different invaders creating the necessary antibodies. There has been no research proving the safety of this practice. After researching, many parents are choosing to give vaccines at a later date when their child’s immune system isn’t so vulnerable and not introducing as many in one day.

When we were kids, the number of vaccines we received was significantly less. With the exception of Covid -19, we haven’t had any outbreak of any disease since I was a child so what’s the reason for the increase in numbers of vaccines?

Many times they are grown in animal DNA which combines with your child’s in ways that are unnatural causing imbalances. Some are grown on eggs, what about egg allergies? Some contain aborted fetus’s. I am attaching a link to the ingredients so you don’t have to wait until you see your doctor~

The MMR vaccine actually contains aborted fetal tissue which is referred to as MRC-5, or WI-38, on the package label, it reads:

MMRV (ProQuad) (Frozen: Human Serum Albumin) 2/2020*  ~MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein, sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, sorbitol, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate dibasic, human albumin, sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium chloride; potassium phosphate dibasic, neomycin, bovine calf serum

This information can be found on the CDC’s website, here is the link

I am also including a testimony from a doctor/expert that has so many credentials that I am just going to include one paragraph. Dr. Deisher has been trying to fight for transparency on vaccine labeling. Here are a few of her credentials~ ‘Theresa Deisher, Ph.D. (President, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute , CEO and Managing Member, AVM Biotechnology). Dr. Deisher, an expert in the field of adult stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine, brings 18 years of experience in scientific and corporate leadership positions involving research, discovery, production and commercialization of human therapeutics. Dr. Deisher’s penchant for groundbreaking scientific discovery and her distinguished scientific research has resulted in 23 patents issued in her name. She has published numerous scientific manuscripts and is a frequent invited lecturer and guest speaker in the area of stem cell technology and regenerative medicine. Throughout her career, Dr. Deisher has been recruited by some of the country’s top biotechnology companies, including Genentech, Repligen, ZymoGenetics, Immunex and Amgen. She has managed and mentored undergraduate honors students, post-doctoral fellows, scientific executives and over 20 research assistants/scientists at all levels of responsibility.’

But her list of credentials goes on for many paragraphs and you can view this testimony at:

According to Dr. Deisher, ‘Some childhood vaccines that are mandated prior to entering kindergarten are only available in the US produced using aborted fetal cells, these include MMR (mumps measles rubella) and chickenpox. Other mandated childhood vaccines are available from both animal or human sources, and yet parents and grandparents are not informed of this so that they can choose a vaccine compatible with their consciences.

Shouldn’t parents and grandparents know that when they immunize their children with a particular vaccine they are also injecting their children with DNA from an aborted fetus? Yet there are no laws that require drug manufacturers to inform the public of this.  The package insert for Varivax, a chickenpox vaccine, states that the vaccine contains “residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein”, but how many parents or grandparents, let alone pediatricians and pharmacists, would know that MRC-5, or WI-38, is a cell line derived from an aborted fetus, and that the contaminating DNA and protein listed on the package insert is the DNA and protein of an aborted fetus? If we have the legal right to know what is in our Big Macs, don’t we have the right to know what is in our vaccines and medicines?

The perceived link between childhood vaccines and autism has generated significant press and controversy since 1992. The suggested link has been, and is today, the MMR vaccine. Since 1983, the MMR vaccine in the US has only been produced using aborted fetal cells. Coincidentally, severe autism began to rise in the US in 1983, increasing from less than 1 child per 10,000 to 16-17 children per 10,000 (or about 1 in 500) by 1990. The aborted fetal produced MMR was introduced to the UK almost a decade later, and an immediate rise in autism levels was noted, which lead to the suspected link between the vaccine and autism.

I would ask all of you to support FLICA legislation, Fair Labeling and Informed Consent, to insure that consumers, whether for moral, philosophical or safety reasons, KNOW what they are giving their children in vaccines. The FLICA legislation would require not only informed consent, but education of each parent about alternative vaccines. With the approval of the creation of HUMAN-ANIMAL hybrids by the UK this past spring, this legislation is now gaining bipartisan and pro-choice support. Wouldn’t you want to know if your medicine contained DNA from a human-animal hybrid?

Aborted human DNA in our vaccines is not the end, it is only the beginning, as the creation of human-animal hybrids demonstrates. A new aborted fetal cell line has been developed, called PerC6, and licenses have been taken by over 50 partners, including the NIH and the Walter Reed Army Institute, to use this cell line for new vaccine and biologics production. The goal of the company that created the PerC6 is to become the production cell line for ALL vaccines, therapeutics antibodies, biologic drugs and gene therapy. We must know the consequences of contaminating human DNA before we wake up and discover that all newly approved recombinant drugs are produced by aborted fetal cells.’

The testimony goes on and there is alot more important information there to research in the link above. We need answers, we need transparency, we need more research. We need to protect our children, this is the whole premise for our decisions that we make everyday, we can’t stop when it comes to vaccines. We need Informed Consent. We have the right to know and to be told before our babies and children are injected what these medicines contain. The vaccine injured families wish they had been told of the possible risks before their children were injured or worse, killed. Parents are trusting their doctors to be offering safe alternatives to keep their children well and healthy. Doctors need to live up to this trust that is being instilled into them.

When one doctor who is engineering vaccines was asked how many aborted fetus’s he’s used he cited one experiment where they used about 72-76 fetus’s. That was just one experiment and he’s been doing this for decades….

There are whispers of a vaccine for Covid bypassing the animal trials, but we have to ensure the safety and efficacy with a guarantee of purity from anything before we give or inject our children with it. They are not guinea pigs, if your child is the one in how many that dies, you might wish they had researched a little more. There is nothing wrong with asking questions, remember. Our little ones are counting on us….